Benefits of Geekdom

From my heart and from my hand, why don’t people understand my intentions?

I don't think I'd wear a pink shirt, though.  I just don't look good in it.

I don’t think I’d wear a pink shirt, though. I just don’t look good in it.

I’m a geek.  Nerd.  Dork.  What have you.  I deeply enjoy almost everything that various people will look at you sideways for.  And, given my age, I grew up before the Information Age renaissance where all of a sudden it was marginally cool to be that way.  Or at least more accepted.

And you know what?  That’s perfect for me, especially now.  Allow me to explore this concept.

To begin with, I’m used to being ostracized. Sure, for different reasons, but when you get right down to it, it’s still relatively (on their side) superficial reasons.  I’m thinking this might come in handy.  “You FREAK!”  “Yeah, I’m a freak.  Proud of it!  You sure you want to mess with someone who’s fully aware they’re a freak?”  That sort of thing.  Not really an exact scenario, but the general sentiment.  I’ve “let my freak flag fly” for so long, this is very well just another level.

Next, for the most part, geeks are some of the most understanding and open minded people I’ve met. Obviously not a hard and fast rule, but for the most part, they are.  They get the concept of acceptance for who you are.  It’s the ol’ “mile in your shoes” type of concept (and one of the reasons Caitlyn Jenner says some really counter-intuitive things sometimes).  They want to be treated like everyone else instead of ridiculed, too.

And lastly, geek culture provides ample opportunities to express oneself as your true gender. Role playing games are marvelous for many reasons.  Creativity.  Imagination.  Socialization (contrary to popular belief).  And by the very nature of the name, great outlets for trans*.  Role playing.  Choose your role!  Roll up a character that reflects who you really are, and run with it.  This can be easier said than done, sometimes, mostly when doing a tabletop RPG.  You get all nervous because you might have to explain just why you’re playing cross gender (though odds are, because of the whole “geeks are understanding and open minded thing, they wont care), so you hold off.  But then we have our electronic ones!  Simply having your gender of choices as an option in most games can be great, and then the ones with full character customizing like Mass Effect and Skyrim, etc?  Sweet!  And if you want to be social about it, there are MMORPGS!  I used to do this back in the “dark ages” of the internet on a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon), text only role playing online.  Now, with technology really breaking the mold, you can really immerse oneself.

Be a geek, reap the benefits!

About the ghost

Not quite what you think you see, in some ways more, in some ways less.
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10 Responses to Benefits of Geekdom

  1. Mara says:

    This actually really makes a lot of my experiences in nerdy circles make sense.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I thought of so many of my own experiences reading your entry that I maybe should write one myself. 🙂 I’ll never forget when a friend of mine and member of one of my pen and paper groups asked me why I only play female characters in our pen and paper adventures… I wish I’d told him the truth but instead I lied… Hopefully he can forgive me when he learns the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tasha says:

    I remember MUDding back in the day. I was a woman to all the guys on the server and I was a useful girl as I was a cleric. They all dragged me around to heal them and I leveled up so quickly that I became a goddess on the site. They gave me my own section of it which I coded as an HP Lovecraft themed fun zone 🙂

    It is too bad, however, that so much of the MMORPG culture is so misogynist these days. The online gaming community is so much crueler than it used to be. As much as I celebrate Geek culture, there is a great deal of blatant abusiveness.

    Liked by 2 people

    • the ghost says:

      I was a cleric, too! Ha!

      You know, you are right, and I should have mentioned that. The anonymity in general has led to such overall levels of abusive behavior, not simply misogyny, but that particular one is pertinent.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: How Games Helped Me Part 1 – Online Games | My Transition Starts Now

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